
NAm 02097

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Producer unknown to us


Americas, USA, South Dakota, Rosebud Reservation, Brulé / Sioux

Prior to 1911


Frederick Weygold (painter, photographer)

Purchased by the museum from Weygold in 1911

NAm 02097

Short Bull's drawing depicts a procession on its way to the Sun Dance site. The annual Sun Dance remains to be the most important ceremony of the Plains cultures until today. Through a deprivation-filled sacrificial ritual (often involving self-mortification), the community's bond with supernatural forces and the cosmos is sealed. Despite prohibitions by the U.S. government 1883–1934, the ceremony has survived. Today, the Sun Dance is also used as a group therapy against addiction and to honor Indigenous war veterans.

Short Bull was a political and spiritual leader of the Sičaηgu (Brulé) Lakota. While touring Europe with "Buffalo Bill's" Wild West Show in 1891, he began recording his experiences in "ledger art." The regional pictograph style of old leather painting was, thus, continued in drawings with copying pencil in notebooks.

Frank Usbeck
