

A Hajduk with tall hat

Paudiß, Christopher (c. 1625-before 1666) | Painter

This painting was considered lost in Dresden for almost sixty years. During a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in April 2001 in St. Petersburg, Moscow-based property developer Timur Timerbulatov presented the painting Hajduk with a Tall Hat by Christoph Paudiss, which had been missing since the Second World War. When Putin came to Dresden on a state visit six months later, the Dresden State Art Collections received three more lost paintings from the same businessman, who accompanied Putin. According to his own account, Timerbulatov had purchased the paintings at a market in Moscow and handed them over to the Russian state.

The Hajduk with a Tall Hat was evacuated during the Second World War to the Albrechtsburg in Meissen and then to a railroad tunnel near Rottwerndorf (Pirna district). It remains unclear how the four paintings got to the Soviet Union after 1945.

Material & Technique
Oil on canvas
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Inventory number
Gal.-Nr. 1995