
SAf 693

Producer unknown to us
Africa, Namibia
Prior to 1902
Iron beads, natural fiber
Dr. Anton Lübbert (medical officer) probably acquired the chain during his service in the former colony ”German Southwest Africa” from 1897–1902
Purchased by the museum from Lübbert in 1903
SAf 693

Valuables such as this iron bead necklace were a status symbol for married Ovaherero women in what is now Namibia. They were a coveted commodity that the Ovaherero traded with neighboring communities in exchange for their cattle. Iron beaded and decorated clothing, or iron bead jewelry such as this necklace, were a symbol of a family's or a woman's wealth, which is why they were often part of the traditional wedding attire.

Even before the genocide of the Ovaherero and Nama by German colonial troops in 1904, these iron beads often had to be sold to ensure survival.

Anton Lübbert probably acquired this necklace between April 1, 1897, and 1902, during his time as a Chief Medical Staff Officer and Senior Physician in Windhoek, in the former colony of German South West Africa. The exact circumstances of its acquisition are not clear to this day. He later sold the necklace to the museum.

Stefanie Bach
