
WAs 944

Producer unknown to us
Image of Mary
Asia, Iran, Jolfa
Prior to 1899
Wood, carved, painted
Walter Philipp Schulz (orientalist, lawyer) probably appropriated the image during his stay in Iran from 1897–1899
Donation to the museum by Schulz 1901
WAs 944

The image shows Mary, Mother of God, surrounded by angels and floral motifs. Two angels are depicted crowning the Mother of God. The catalog card states that the object was obtained in the Armenian quarter of Julfa in Isfahan. Several church buildings, as well as the Armenian Apostolic Vank Cathedral (Church of the Saintly Sisters), still exist in this neighborhood today. The Armenian Church is among the oldest Christian congregations in Iran today. In the Armenian Church, Mary is worshipped as the supreme saint and important intercessor for all believers. This depiction could be the coronation of Mary, the completion of her Assumption into heaven. In Orthodox and Catholic churches, she is crowned in this scene as “Queen of Heaven” or ”Queen of Angels.”

The lawyer Philipp Schulz probably acquired this vase during his stay in Iran from 1897 to 1899. The exact circumstances of its acquisition are so far unknown to us.

Kevin Breß
