
64597 a, b

Producer unknown to us
Blowgun with quiver, darts, and tree silk thread
Americas, Ecuador
Wood, bamboo, natural fiber, woven
From the 1950s to the 1970s, Erich Wustmann (ethnologist, author) undertook numerous expeditions and journeys to collect items for museums. He sold the acquired objects to the museums in Leipzig and Dresden.
Entered the collection of the Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden by exchange with Wustmann on 11 September, 1987
64597 a, b

The small blowgun comes with a quiver containing 43 darts. Attached to the quiver is a woven vessel containing tree silk thread. This is used to form a plug, which is then inserted into the blowgun together with the arrow, so that when it is blown, explosive pressure is created, giving the arrow enormous speed.

From the 1950s to the 1970s, the ethnologist and author Erich Wustmann (1907–1994) traveled to numerous South American countries, such as Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador.

Frank Usbeck
