
Mi 539

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Producer unknown to us
Cord with aligned sea shell coins (yar)
Oceania, Micronesia, Palau, Yap
Prior to 1904
Emil Hütter (Manager Jaluit Station)
Donation to the museum by Hütter in 1904
Mi 539

The cord with seashell coins (yar) is a treasure and object of prestige. Yar is a currency that people mainly used for important occasions such as proposals, weddings, and celebrations. Furthermore, people of Yap tender traditional apologies with yar and purchase local medicine with it.

The Jaluit Company was a German colonial trade- and plantation company working in the Pacific region. On the Marshall Islands, they mainly operated coconut palm plantations. The German Reich transferred the administration of these “protectorates” in the Pacific Ocean south of the equator (1888–1906).

Emil Hütter was the manager of the company’s trading post on Jaluit. The museum purchased an extensive part of the Micronesia collections from employees of the Jaluit company. As an appreciation of his collecting activity, Hütter received a diploma for patrons of the museum, which during his time significantly contributed to a person’s reputation.

Juliane Heinze
