
Brass furniture mounts


In addition to the adoption of Greek and Roman antiquity, design forms that originated in other ancient realms, such as Egypt, can also be found in neo-classicist design around 1800. Classical Egyptian design features were known through references made in Roman art, but they became much more common following the French military Campaign in Egypt and Syria from 1798 to 1801. The French army was accompanied by an expedition of scientists and artists whose work was followed with great curiosity in Europe. The so-called "Egyptomania" found its expression particularly in the French Empire. The Empire style is considered a variant of Neo-classicism, very much in the style of the empire under Napoleon. Defining features were clear, linear forms and the use of grained tropical wood veneers, especially mahogany, one of many materials from the tropics that were popular in Europe and were increasingly imported in the course of colonial trade. Decorative accents were set through highly detailed mounts made of gilded brass, like the ones exhibited in that shwocase.

However, they don’t belong to a piece of French furniture, but adorned a writing desk bearing the signature of the Klagenfurt cabinetmaker Elias Weinspach with the date 1811. It shows that the Empire style eventually spread from France to the whole of Europe.
