
From the book “The Consolation of Objects“:

With his work La trahison des images (The Treachery of Images), René Magritte drastically put in a nutshell the problem that has always preoccupied me in my literary and artistic existence, thus creating one of the most important classics of modern art. Let us not forget his corresponding theoretical text “Les mots et les images,” published in December 1929 in La Révolution surréaliste.

In this cabinet, I have taken words from a “kıyafetname,” a lexicon from the second half of the eighteenth century (exact date unknown) written by a Western hand, and used the words describing Ottoman professions in a cheerful transliteration jumble, placing them under each figure in the same script that Magritte uses in his painting also known as This is not a pipe, and in each case “This is not a Janissary” and “This is not a coolie” came to mind.
