

Charles de Solier, Sieur de Morette

Holbein der Jüngere, Hans (1497/98-1543) | Painter
Solier, Charles de (1497/98-1543) | Person(s) shown


Solier, a French military commander and ambassador to England, had his portrait painted by Holbein there. His stern expression and the frontal view emphasise his demonstratively exhibited power. The subject’s fine, opulent clothing and jewellery, depicted in great detail, always indicated that he was a high-status figure. This painting was purchased as a work by Leonardo da Vinci before Holbein was recognised as the author. Likewise, the sitter was not identified as Solier until 1881.

Material & Technique
Oil on oak panel
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Location & Dating
Inventory number
Gal.-Nr. 1890