

Lekythos. Gynaeceum scene

Bosanquet-Maler (415-401 v. Chr. tätig) | Painter


With the exception of the Dresden and another red-figure lekythos, only white-ground lekythos by the Bosanquet painter, named after the British archaeologist Robert Carr Bosanquet, have survived. As far as the vessel forms and the technique as well as the predominant depictions are concerned, it can be assumed that the artist had a certain preference or specialisation in vessels for sepulchral use.
The scene from the woman's chamber also refers to a mourning picture. First of all, the hair ornaments of the seated woman, decorated with myrtle leaves, speak for the
the wine jug for libations in the background as a typical female accessory, the small box which the standing servant hands to her mistress and which is normally presented to the bride by the groom during the wedding, as well as the goose sacred to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, suggest a wedding context. But the depiction is found in this or a similar way mainly on lekythes found in graves and also on funerary reliefs. The vessels are therefore not related to marriage, but rather to death and mourning that a young woman's destiny and wish to marry did not come true.

Material & Technique
Location & Dating
c. 440 BCE
Inventory number
ZV 2777