

The New Market in Dresden as Seen from the Jüdenhof

Bellotto, Bernardo, gen. Canaletto (1722-1780) | Painter


Bellotto draws the eye along the facade of the Gemäldegalerie, across the Neumarkt and towards the Frauenkirche. Approaching from Pirnaische Gasse, in the state carriage drawn by six white horses, is Friedrich August II, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland. He is heading for the Gemäldegalerie, which opened in 1747. This famous collection of paintings, assembled by his father August the Strong and himself, was located in this building before moving to the Sempergalerie at the Zwinger in 1855.

Material & Technique
Oil on canvas
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
c. 1748/49
Inventory number
Gal.-Nr. 610