Provenance Research - Artworks for the „Linz Special Commission“

During the Second World War, the “Linz Special Commission” made Dresden a focal point for the Nazi art looting that took place throughout Europe. On this tour, we present some objects that came to Dresden via the “Linz Special Commission” as an insight into provenance research at Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden.

View of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, from the South
Alt, Rudolf von (1812-1905) | Artist/Maker

Ruin of a Gothic Church in the Forest
Carus, Carl Gustav (1789-1869) | Artist/Maker

The “Führermuseum” in Linz

The Venus Pond in the Berlin Tiergarten
Hackert, Jakob Philipp (1737-1807) | Artist/Maker

Altar Sketch with the Composition for The Cross in the Mountains
Friedrich, Caspar David (1774-1840) | Artist/Maker

Washington Principles

Girl with Parrot
Gensler, Jakob (1808-1845) | Artist/Maker

Portrait of Dr Johannes Guthmann
Greiner, Otto (1869-1916) | Artist/Maker

Pipe Smoker
Leibl, Wilhelm (1844-1900) | Artist/Maker

Kaendler, Johann Joachim (1706-1775) | Chief Modeller

La colombe chérie (The Pet Dove)
Fragonard, Jean Honoré (1732-1806) | Artist/Maker

The Beheading of Saint Reparata
Daddi, Bernardo (1295-1348) | Painter

The Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist
Previtali, Andrea (1480-1528) | Painter

Oude Kerk in Amsterdam
Bosboom, Johannes (1817-1891) | Artist/Maker

Wilted Leaves
Olivier, Friedrich (1791-1859) | Artist/Maker
Olivier, Ferdinand (1791-1859) historical attribution | Artist/Maker

Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities from the Cabinet of the Honourable William Hamilton. Illustrated book, Vol. 4
Hancarville, Pierre François Hugues d' (1719-1805) | Author
unbekannt, italienisch, 18. Jh. (1719-1805) | Printmaker
Pignataro, Carmine (1719-1805) | Printmaker

Storage at Schloss Weesenstein

Brown Horse of Noble Breeding
Steffeck, Carl (1818-1890) | Painter

Spitzweg, Carl ((1808-1885)) | Painter

Parting notes

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